It's The Ultimate Answer To Your Fitness Woes – Beer Yoga !!! Is Now A Reality

Are you the kind of person that applies for a gym membership only to waste money and cry later? Or that beer belly makes people laugh and ask you if you are giving birth to the child of a pizza? Or maybe you do try hard but the ‘no alcohol’ clause holds you back every time you promise to just take a sip. Well, take heart because ‘Beer Yoga’ is now a thing and might be your answer to go from flab to fab.

It is an invention of the beer lovers, i.e- the Germans and has been taking the world by storm. According to the official website (, ‘Bier Yoga’, as they call it in German, is a “marriage of two great loves—beer and yoga. Both are century old therapies for mind, body, and soul”. The idea is to merge the philosophy of Yoga and combine it with the love for the beer so that everyone can practice it and reap benefits. The Yoga poses include ‘beer salutations’ and you even have to balance a bottle on your head. Well, that’s a great way to do some ‘namacray’, what say?


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